Back to: Fusion Robot Fun – Converting from blockly to Python.
When we suggest that you play a video, you will see something like this:
Video – Web – USB
What does “Web” Mean?
When you left-mouse-click on “Web”, this will take you to a video. In many cases, the video will start to immediately play. Since many Schools object to uninvited advertising, we do not use third-party advertising in these videos, restricting ourselves to references to Modern Robotics Inc.’s website, when we think this appropriate to potentially enhance the use of your Robot. When the video ends, we have tried to ensure that no third-party advertising appears on your classroom screen.
However, the videos are mostly stored on YouTube. There is a link on the videos to enable you to play the version stored on YouTube. This has the disadvantage that we can not prevent third-party adverting appearing at the end of the videos. However, it does have the advantage that translatable “closed captions” automatically generated from our voices, have been added to the video. These automatically generated translations are without punctuation, but they are still very useful in a classroom full of excited, enthusiastic & noisy school students, where we know from past experience that our video voices may be difficult to hear.
It is possible for us to provide additional hand-edited closed captions that are easier to understand because they include punctuation. At present, few of these tutorials include these extra hand-edited captions, but we hope to expand these easier-to-understand captions when we have more time…
If your student’s first language is not English, Google Translate on YouTube is available to translate these automatically generated closed captions into something like 60+ languages. Since we know that our previous robotics tutorials have been viewed by students in 192 of the 193 countries recognized by the United Nations, we expect that this option will continue to be an important one.
What Does “USB” Mean?
One of the strengths of the Fusion Robot, is that it can be programmed, and run, without reference to the Internet. However, this reveals a problem for non-internet connected students who want to use our tutorial videos. Our videos are mounted on the Internet, and thus are not available when a non-internet connected student attempts to use the “Web” option.
To obviate this situation, we have curated a USB that includes this pdf document, plus copies of our tutorials. If you plug this USB into your computer, and run the USB copy of this pdf on this USB drive, clicking on the “USB” option in this document will allow you to access to the videos and arenas that you would previously have needed access to the internet to obtain.
We do not include any third-party advertising on these videos, restricting ourselves to references to Modern Robotics Inc.’s website, when we think this appropriate to potentially enhance the use of your Fusion Robot.
How do I get a copy of this USB drive?
Currently, we don’t know! ☹ Over the past decade of our assisting robotics education, we have never charged for access to these tutorials, or for our assistance at schools. We don’t have the finances to give these USB drives away, so we are currently looking at options. If you have any useful suggestions, we would be very happy to read them! ?