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For Fusion to be able to keep itself inside the rink, we need to be able to teach Fusion how to detect the difference between the white middle of the rink, and the dark edge of the rink.
We can do this by using Fusion’s Optical Distance sensor. We need to detach the black sensor from the top of Fusion, and move it to the mounting holes circled below.
The moved sensor will look like this.
The Optical Distance Sensor can shine a light on the arena, and can measure the amount of light that is reflected from the arena. A black surface reflects less light, and a white surface reflects more light, as demonstrated in the video below.
The video above demonstrates the use of Fusion’s Optical Distance Sensor to detect whether the Sensor (and the hence the robot) is in the white central area of the SUMO rink, or if it has found the black edge of that rink. In the next tutorial, we will demonstrate how to use these differences in the sensor readings obtained from the Optical Distance Sensor when it is over the white area, and when it is over the black area of the rink, to teach Fusion how to stay inside the SUMO rink. Go to the next tutorial to find out how…