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Australian RoboCup Junior National Competitions 2014.
- You can see an overview of my impressions of this fun event on my website by clicking here .
- The competitions were conducted in a huge hall with the students-only area at the far end of the hall, the competition arenas in the middle of the hall, and seating for the parents, mentors and visitors at the near end of the hall; click here for images of the hall.
- I was mainly interested in the Rescue event, and some images of some of the rescue robots can be seen by clicking here.
- The Rescue Robots had to traverse a course to rescue a “person”, to see some of the Rescue Courses, click here.
- There were also Robot Dance events. I did not see many of them, but did get a couple of Dance videos here.
- Some students had some remarkable Soccer Robots. See a couple of images of some of these robots here.
If you are interested in competing in the Australian RoboCup Junior events, the official Australian RoboCup Junior web site can be seen here. This site has links to organisations in the various Australian States that will help you get started. It is a marvelous way to both have fun, and learn a lot about robotics. Why not try it?